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eexpss has authored

  • Alt Mouse

    * Alt + Mouse control window

  • Cairo Clock

    Cairo Clock.

  • Clip Note

    Save clip contents to multiple notes with separate tags. Notes locate at ~/.local/share/clip-note/. Dots in filename means splited tags.

  • Clip Translator

    * Translate from Clipboard content

  • Compare or Open

    Copy/Select two Dirs/Files from anywhere such as `nautilus` or `gnome-terminal`, and then compare them (use `meld`) or open with Ctrl-O or open with context-menu.

  • Countdown & Timer

    Countdown in minutes, or enter text containing HH:MM format to set the Timer.

  • Git Monitor

    ## monitor git directory for changes.

  • M3U8 Play

    M3U8 Play. Search and select to play (use `ffplay/ffmpeg`). `m3u8` files need put into `~/.local/share/m3u8-play/`

  • Open Anywhere

    * Copy / Select a full path file / directory name, or incomplete path, or pure file name. Open a context menu to let you choose how to open it, or press Ctrl-Shift-O directlly.

  • Screen Net Speed

    * Animation net speed show on the screen. You can click it to have fun and pass the time. Can be turned on / off at any time.

  • Weather

    Animation Weather.

  • animate

    Animated small man run through the screen. Scroll mouse can change deferent character. You can use your PNG characters instead of the original ones.

  • note

    Add selected text to Note.

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