Substitute Alt-Tab with a window based switcher that does not group by application.
Add a category-based menu for apps.
Move applications to specific workspaces when they create windows.
Overlay a tasteful logo on the background to enhance the user experience
Overlay a tasteful logo on the background to enhance the user experience
Use a horizontal workspace layout
Always launch a new instance when clicking in the dash or the application view.
Switch default to light style
Arrange windows in overview in a more compact way.
Add a menu for quickly navigating places in the system.
A status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices.
Resize windows for GNOME Software screenshots with Ctrl+Alt+s shortcut
Show status icons in the top bar
Monitor system from the top bar
System monitor showing CPU and memory usage in the message tray.
Load shell themes from user directory.
Display a window list at the bottom of the screen.
Put an indicator on the panel signaling in which workspace you are, and give you the possibility of switching to another one.
Allow keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in overlay mode. <Ctrl>number selects a workspace, and <Alt>number selects a window.