Show Default Application Settings in Status Menu
Manage multiple displays via disper: switch, extend, clone. Requires disper to be installed. Installation: sudo apt-get install disper
Extension shortcuts allows easy access to managing installed extensions, browsing for new extensions, and changing extension preferences. Advanced settings runs gnome-tweak-tool. To install: sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool. This is a gnome-shell 3.6 compatible update. Thanks to schubi for version 3.6 compatibility code contribution.
Looking Glass console toggle on the left-click with restart, reload theme, and open extensions folder on the right-click. Designed for extension developers who prefer GUI to keyboard shortcuts. Benefit: one mouse position with two functions, less mousing.
MyLauncher is a customizable menu which can launch links, shell scripts, apps, and open folders. Right-click the menu after installation to edit the launcher. See help on the right-click for listing of all options. MyLauncher also supports alias commands such as [RG] for restart shell, [TD] for toggle desktop, etc. Latest update brings [CH] clear history feature and ~ and $HOME terminal commands are supported. Also, multiple commands can be executed using ; semicolon.
Remove rounded corners from the top panel.
A toolbar for your panel that allows you to switch workspaces. Latest update includes a panel position option of left, center, and right. Also there is an option to display the Overview on mouse entry. Right-click extension to access preferences. Development builds at: