Colored Hamster Tracker

by jasuarez | 2226 downloads

Shell extension for Hamster + Colored track work done This extension allows to tracker your activities using Hamster Time Tracker. This specific version contains some extra features on top of the original extension ( * Define daily/weekly goals and be notified with colors when the goals are reached. That is, define how many hours per day and per week to work, and quickly notify when these goals are reached. As example, let's define 8 hours per day and 5 days per week. As soon as 8 hours are done in the day, the hours indicator will become blue, meaning that our goal for the day is reached. If it becomes orange, it means that indeed we have done the 8 days, but during the past days we didn't fulfil the goals (for instance, we worked on Monday 7 hours and today Tuesday we did 8 hours); so if we continue working, as soon as we recover those hours, the indicator will become again blue, meaning that now we are in the good track (in the previous example, working an extra hour to recover the previous day). Finally, when all the hours for the week are reached (that is, 40*5=200 hours) the indicator will become green, meaning the week is over, go home to enjoy the rest of the week.

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Version Status Shell Versions
3 Rejected 3.34 3.32
2 Active 3.34 3.32
1 Active 3.32