Enhance overview

by Carlos | 4998 downloads

This extension show only windows of application you are hovering in the dash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWoxJXMzJ4 Known issues: ·Drag is little uggly and has a silly workaround ·Sometimes if you change workspace in one applicaton mode some windows in overview dissapears ******************************************************* Warning: Not maintained from now on due to a new feature of gnome 3.8 making this extension useless. See for further details: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=657315 And the previous feature working at: zzrough.free.fr/files/public/gnome-shell-657315-Highlight-application-windows-when-hovering-launcher-icon/0001-overview-highlight-windows-on-launcher-hover.webm

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