Workspaces Thumbnails Applet

by blogdron | 1350 downloads

Notice! This is a fork of the extension It hasn't been updated in a long time, but it only needs a small fix to work. Until the author fixes the problem, I will keep this fork. Please, if you have the opportunity to contact the author of the original extension, let him fix the problem for himself. Put an indicator on the panel showing all the workspaces thumbnails, allowing to switch between them or moving windows to another workspace. This is a very tiny fork of the original (GNOME official extension) Workspace Indicator, allowing to use it like when the Horizontal Workspaces extension is activated. The vertical workspaces layout is not modified; the workspaces layout is horizontal only in the top panel and the workspaces switcher in the overview is still showed. Please note that any global bug should be reported against the Workspace Indicator extension.


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