
by ente | 8129 downloads

Guillotine is a gnome extension designed for efficiently carrying out executions of commands from a customizable menu. Simply speaking: it is a highly customizable menu that enables you to launch commands and toggle services. For the most recent version (including compatibility for gnome 46) head over to the extension repository. No new updates will be published on Gnome-extensions.

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User Reviews

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Version Status Shell Versions
23 Rejected 45 46
22 Rejected 45 46
21 Rejected 45
20 Rejected 45
19 Rejected 45
18 Active 45
17 Active 40 41 42 43 44
16 Active 40 41 42 43
15 Active 40 41 42
14 Active 40 41 42
13 Active 40 41
12 Rejected 40 41
11 Active 40 41
10 Rejected 40 41
9 Active 40 41
8 Rejected 40 41
7 Active 40 41
6 Active 40
5 Inactive 40.0
4 Inactive 40.0
3 Inactive 3.38
2 Rejected 3.38
1 Rejected 3.38