Switch Two Layouts

by qtmax | 3901 downloads

This extension makes XKB shortcuts to switch keyboard layouts (such as Caps Lock, Ctrl+Shift, etc.) cycle between the two first layouts. The other ones still can be selected via the menu or using GNOME's shortcuts (Super+Space, Shift+Super+Space). It's useful when you have two primary layouts and more additional, which are used more rarely.

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Version Status Shell Versions
10 Active 45 46 47
9 Rejected 45 46 47
8 Active 45 46
7 Active 45
6 Active 3.38 40 41 42 43 44
5 Active 3.38 40 41 42 43
4 Active 3.38 40 41 42
3 Active 3.38 40 41
2 Active 3.38 40
1 Active 3.38