Bottom triggers Activities overview

by papjul | 4877 downloads

DEPRECATION NOTICE: No longer maintained. Please migrate to another extension such as Hot Edge Allows to toggle Activities overview when the mouse reaches the bottom edge of the screen. PLEASE report your bugs to the extension homepage link below. I cannot reply to you if you write a review here. This is a fork of Dash to Dock focusing only on doing this, it adds support for Gnome Shell 40 and is mainly aimed at Gnome Shell 40 users to reduce mouse travel. I may backport fixes from upstream, but I don't intend to add any new feature and may not fix any bug if I'm not affected/cannot reproduce. However, I will accept pull requests that keep the extension in the KISS principle. It could be adding a prefs UI for toggle delay and edge(s) triggered, or supporting multiple monitors. You can customize the following parameters from the constructor of extension.js: this._position = St.Side.BOTTOM; this._toggleDelay = 0.25;

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Version Status Shell Versions
2 Active 3.36 3.38 40
1 Active 3.36 3.38 40