
by espresso | 139678 downloads

Espresso disables the usual auto suspend and screensaver functionality and optionally Night Light with options to show an Espresso icon in the top panel, to enable Espresso when a fullscreen application is running, to restore state across reboots, to provide notifications, to enable Espresso when specific applications are running, or to pause Night Light when Espresso is enabled or only when specific applications are running. Espresso also provides some support for docking stations including options to enable Espresso when charging and/or when docked to external monitors and to allow temporarily overriding the docking support without affecting the stored state. Espresso is a fork of the Caffeine extension. Please leave feedback or report issues through the Extension Homepage

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Version Status Shell Versions
10 Active 46
9 Active 45
8 Active 40 41 42 43 44
7 Active 40 41 42 43
6 Inactive 40 41 42
5 Rejected 40 41 42
4 Inactive 40 41
3 Rejected 40 41
2 Rejected 40.0
1 Inactive 40