Gesture Improvements

by harshadgavali | 112597 downloads

Improve touchpad gestures for Wayland/X11 This extension adds following features: • Switch windows from current workspace using 3-finger horizontal swipe • Cyclic gestures between Desktop/Overview/AppGrid using 4 vertical swipe • Switch app-pages using 3-finger swipe gesture on AppGrid • Unmaximize/maximize/fullscreen/half-tiling using 3-finger vertical & horizontal gesture • Optional minimize a window gesture • Override 3-finger gesture with 4-finger for switching workspace • Pinch to show desktop • Application specific keyboard shortcut based hold-swipe gestures (e.g., navigating browser tabs) • Configure speed of gestures • Support for X11 On X11, you need to install Report any bugs/requests on GitHub (link directly below)

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Version Status Shell Versions
25 Active 42 43 44
24 Active 42 43
23 Inactive 42
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21 Inactive 42
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19 Active 40 41
18 Inactive 40 41
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16 Inactive 40 41
15 Inactive 40
14 Inactive 40
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11 Inactive 40 41
10 Rejected 40 41
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4 Inactive 40
3 Inactive 40
2 Rejected 40
1 Inactive 40