Replace Activities Text

by PRATAP PANABAKA | 32167 downloads

A Simple Extension to Change 'Activities' Label with Logo and Text. You can Keep Either 1. Logo or 2. Text or 3. Both or 4. None at all SEP 10 2023 Note: for gnome-shell v45, you may try below extension because in v45, Activities Text is replaced with Workspace Indicators.

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Version Status Shell Versions
22 Active 45
21 Rejected 45
20 Rejected 45
19 Active 44
18 Rejected 44
17 Active 44
16 Inactive 44
15 Rejected 44
14 Active 42 43
13 Active 42
12 Active 42
11 Active 40 41 42
10 Inactive 40 41
9 Inactive 40
8 Active 3.36 3.38
7 Inactive 40
6 Inactive 40
5 Inactive 40
4 Inactive 3.36 3.38
3 Inactive 3.36
2 Inactive 40
1 Rejected 40