Primary Input on LockScreen

by SneakyGoomba | 5725 downloads

Automatically change the keyboard layout on the lock screen to the primary one. This is a small, simple extension that solves an annoying issue for users with several keyboard layouts (until it gets solved upstream). Whenever the lock screen kicks in, this extension checks for the currently selected keyboard layout and switches it to the primary one (the first one in your list of keyboard layouts in Settings).

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Version Status Shell Versions
9 Active 45 46 47
8 Active 45 46
7 Active 45
6 Active 40 41 42 43 44
5 Rejected 40 41 42 43 45
4 Active 40 41 42 43
3 Active 40 41 42
2 Active 40 41
1 Rejected 40 41