Looking Glass Inspector

by mathematical.coffee | 1393 downloads

NOTE: not maintained (by me) since 3.8 or so, looking for new maintainers! Contact me through the repo. This extension extends the existing looking glass by enhancing its object inspector and inspector. Mainly for developers. Improvements: * shows the code of functions upon inspection * shows all methods, classes, etc in a namespace upon inspection * shows full class description of classes from imports.gi (e.g. Meta.Display) * improve object inspector history (previously 1, now up to 100) * copy looking glass results as strings (right-click the result) * hold down SHIFT while using the LG picker/inspector to pass through events to gnome-shell, e.g. SHIFT+click on a popup menu to open it so that you can choose an item from it * full list of features at the homepage.

Extension Homepage

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Version Status Shell Versions
2 Active 3.4
1 Active 3.2