Sticky Notes View

by Dreamsorcerer | 82264 downloads

Notes view in shell overlay. ownCloud syncing (in 3.10+). Keyboard shortcut: Super+N. Known issues: - Can't scroll through long notes. - Close buttons along top get cut off. - OwnCloud syncing fails (see - Button won't appear in alternative dashs (e.g. dash to dock)


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User Reviews

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Version Status Shell Versions
32 Active 3.16 3.18
31 Inactive 3.16 3.18
30 Rejected 3.16 3.18
29 Rejected 3.16 3.18
28 Active 3.10 3.12 3.14
27 Inactive 3.16
26 Inactive 3.10 3.12 3.14
25 Inactive 3.14
24 Inactive 3.10 3.12
23 Inactive 3.10 3.12
22 Inactive 3.10
21 Rejected 3.10
20 Inactive 3.10
19 Rejected 3.10
18 Inactive 3.10
17 Active 3.8
16 Inactive 3.8
15 Rejected 3.8
14 Inactive 3.8
13 Inactive 3.8
12 Active 3.6
11 Rejected 3.6
10 Rejected 3.6
9 Rejected 3.6
8 Rejected 3.6
7 Inactive 3.6
6 Rejected 3.6
5 Rejected 3.6
4 Rejected 3.6
3 Rejected 3.6
2 Inactive 3.6
1 Rejected 3.6