True Color Window Invert

by lynet_101 | 1066 downloads

Inverts the color of individual windows so they are hue-preserved. Default shortcut is Super+I (Fork from JackKenney, due to 2+ years of inactivity) !!!IMPORTANT!!! Due to changes in personal and professional life, developer lynet_101 will no longer be able to maintain this project, and the extension, as a result, is from December the 5th 2023 orphaned patch notes v3: Fixed an issue where windows would occasionally disappear upon inversion About Gnome 45: There will be made an effort to port this extension to gnome 45, but gnome has decided to revamp large parts of the framework used for these sorts of extensions, and as I'm a solo developer, don't expect it to be ported immediately . I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause ;(

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