Custom OSD

by x10shun | 19854 downloads

Fully customize your OSD ( On Screen Display ) pop ups like Volume , Brightness or Caffeine , Lock Keys etc. UPDATE (v25, v26): - Profiles: New default profiles added for new users to get started - Vertical Position: Please note vertical position convention is changed: +50 is Top and -50 is Bottom of screen - Size also changed a bit so you may need to resize existing OSDs in settings - Square/Circle toggle option allows to get squarish/circlish shapes (as you vary Shape Shift) - New Special Effects: Progress Ring and Background Image (see below) - Gradient: New radial gradient direction and option to set end color opacity - Level: New level color, opacity and thickness options - Border: New border color, opacity and thickness options - Padding: New horizontal and vertical padding options - Shadow: New shadow color option - Font: Improved implementation of font attributes (font style, stretch, weight) - Trigger custom OSDs from command line (e.g. from a script) (see ReadMe on Github: Progress Ring / Disk: - Select Sepcial Effect 'Progress Ring' in settings - Set 'Ring Gap from Border' and 'Level Thickness' to get a Progress Ring or Progress Disk - For Disk, set Gap to 100 and adjust Level. For Ring reduce Gap to 40-50 and adjust Level. - Combine with color / opacity styles for fg, bg, level and border Background Image: - Set any image as OSD background (smaller size preferred) - Select Special Effect 'Background Image' - In 'Background Image FIle', provide path to a local file e.g. Pictures/myOsdImage.png Features: - Customize OSD position, orientation, size, numeric %, monitor to show on, hide-delay and style - Select any combination of components to display: icon, text-label, level-bar, numeric %. - OSD components can be turned On/Off based on OSD types. - Special effects like Progress Ring, Gradient, Blur, Background Image etc - Clock OSD to show current date/time on a hotkey (default none. set hotkey in settings). - Create and Save multiple Settings profiles and choose one to apply (Profiles page in settings). - Import / Export settings profiles. - Share / get profile presets in github. Translations : Spanish, Indonesian and French (thanks to contributors)

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Version Status Shell Versions
28 Active 45 46
27 Rejected 45 46
26 Active 45 46
25 Active 42 43 44
24 Active 42 43 44
23 Active 45
22 Active 45
21 Active 42 43 44
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1 Rejected 40 41 42 43 44 41.1 42.1