
by lorens osman dev | 1085 downloads

Lomotion extension lets you switch and manage Gnome's workspaces seamlessly How ? - Switch to the previous workspace with[CapsLock + A] and the next with [CapsLock + S] - Move the current window to the previous workspace with [CapsLock + D] or the next with [CapsLock + F] - Switch between windows in the current workspace [CapsLock + E] - Show workspaces overview hit [CapsLock] once - Show applications hit [CapsLock] twice - Toggle full-screen [CapsLock + Z] - Close window [CapsLock + Q] Why ?! - One-handed control, manage your workspaces with just one hand, boosting your efficiency and focus. - Enjoy immersive fullscreen applications without worrying about switching workspaces. - intutive, simple and fast. Tip - For applications with tabs like Visual Studio Code, web browsers, and many others, you can use keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs, you can set switch to previous tab [CapsLock + Q] and the next with [CapsLock + W]

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Version Status Shell Versions
1 Active 45 46 47
1 Active 45 46 47
1 Active 45 46
1 Active 45 46
1 Active 45