** Needs the package translate-shell ** Translation of the text by different translators (currently Google.Translate, Yandex.Translate). Shortcuts: Super+T - open translator dialog. Super+Shift+T - open translator dialog and translate text from clipboard. Super+Alt+T - open translator dialog and translate from primary selection. Ctrl+Enter+ - Translate text. Ctrl+Shift+C - copy translated text to clipboard. Ctrl+S - swap languages. Ctrl+D - reset languages to default Tab+ - toggle transliteration of result text. This is the fork of Text Translator (https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/593/text-translator/) maintained by gufoe.
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Approved. Note that in `translation_provider_base.js` your use of `GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes()` can result in a "Too many open files" (aka file descriptiors) or zombie processes after some time since you aren't explicitly closing all three pipes. I'm not sure if you inherited this function from the older Text Transator or not. It's much preferable to use Gio.Subprocess if possible, since it will handle these situations automatically. If you aren't familiar, I wrote a small blurb about this here: https://andyholmes.github.io/articles/asynchronous-programming-in-gjs.html#spawning-processes