Review of "Kiloseconds Clock" version 1

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Adds a kilosecond based clock to your top bar

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All Versions

Version Status
3 Active
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

andyholmes rejected
To disconnect signals from a GObject, you must first save the id: ``` let signal_id = Clock.connect('notify::clock', on_tick); Clock.disconnect(signal_id); ``` You define `button` in the top-level scope on line #6, but in `enable()` on line 23 you define it when creating the widget itself. In `disabled()` when you call `ClutterActor.remove_child(button)` you are referring to the undefined `button` from the parent scope in line #6, not the button from `enable()` which is not in scope. If you can fix these two problems in this submission I can approve. See also the notes for v2: