Review of "New Apt Update Indicator" version 2

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Update indicator for Apt based distributions. Check for updates from an indicator It shows also the following package status (as in Synaptic): ⚫ Available updates ⚫ New packages in repository ⚫ Local/Obsolete packages ⚫ Residual config files ⚫ Autoremovable packages

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

andyholmes active
Looks pretty good. There's something you might not be aware of regarding the calls to `GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes()` in `updateManager.js`. In C you would pass in `NULL` for std pipes you don't want and these will not be opened, but because in GJS these are returned as an array of values (instead of "in" arguments) these pipes will always be opened. The result can be that you will cause the system to hit a "Too many open files" error, since you've lost the reference and never explicitly closed them. Your can assign each pipe to a variable and explicitly close the ones you don't want, but the better solution is to use `Gio.Subprocess` which can run async processes and handles these situations automatically. There's a simple example of how to do that using Promises, but you can also do it without the promises if you want: I'll approve this now anyways and let you get to that when have time :)