Review of "Minimized Window Reminder" version 2

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Minimized windows can easily be forgotten or go unnoticed. This extension shows a semi-transparent list of currently minimized windows on the desktop (behind all other windows) to act as a reminder that the minimized windows are still present.

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All Versions

Version Status
17 Active
16 Active
15 Active
14 Active
13 Active
12 Active
11 Active
10 Rejected
9 Rejected
8 Active
7 Active
6 Active
5 Active
4 Rejected
3 Rejected
2 Rejected
1 Inactive

Previous Reviews on this Version

nzjrs posted a review
81 //===================================================// 82 //If we didn't find it then it's likely the desktop // 83 //isn't managed by the File Manager so assume the // 84 //parent of the first window in the stack // 85 //===================================================// 86 if (windows.length > 0) { 87 _desktop = windows[0].get_parent(); 88 } Is this the case where something else is managing the desktop, like thunar or something, or the case where the shell is managing the desktop? If this is the shell case, can you just test if it is equal to the background-actor property of the ShellGlobal instance?
herdsman posted a review
Ooops - I wasn't disconnecting the event properly.
herdsman posted a review
It is the case of the shell managing the desktop - I need to get the parent of the window actors to be able to add the Label and position it behind the windows (the MetaWindowGroup). If there's a better way of doing it I'll quite happily change it - is the background-actor property you mention the same MetaWindowGroup? I'd submitted a version 3 (and rejected version 2) before I noticed your comment as I'd noticed that the event wasn't being disconnected properly.
herdsman posted a review
It's looking for the window that is managing the desktop (ie, windows[i].get_meta_window().get_window_type() == Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP). If this is found then it's that window that needs to have the label added so that it shows over the desktop but behind all other windows. If, however, the DESKTOP window isn't found then either something else is managing the desktop or it's the shell. I don't know how to handle other apps (you mentioned 'thunar') but in the case of the shell managing it, the extension simply adds it to the parent of all window actors then sets it's position in the stack so that it's above the 'background' actor but below all other actors. Hope this makes sense.
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
This is indeed incorrect. In the case where there's no DESKTOP window, MetaBackgroundActor is the thing that draws the actor.
herdsman posted a review
Adding it to the MetaBackground actor didn't seem to work (it drew it but moving other windows near it overdrew it as if it wasn't there (so it ended up half painted - obviously not right) so I'm adding it just above the MetaBackgroundActor and this is correctly showing it above the background but below the windows. If there's a better way of doing it then let me know but, as mentioned, simply adding it to MetaBackgroundActor didn't work.
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
Adding it to the MetaBackgroundActor is wrong, yes.
herdsman posted a review
Ok, so what do you suggest I do? I'm NOT currently adding it to the MetaBackgroundActor but to its parent - is this also wrong? What I'm currently doing works for both when the file manager is managing the desktop (adds it to the desktop window) and also when the shell is managing it (by adding it to the windows parent (which is also the parent of the MetaBackgroundActor) - is that going to cause problems? I don't really understand what the problem is and have asked for advice on better ways to do this without an answer. Is there any documentation you could point me at, perhaps? I spotted a bug and submitted a fix but now you've rejected that too - even though I'm trying to understand the issue and address it.
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
You should be able to add it to the window group.
herdsman posted a review
Isn't that the same as the parent of the first window in the stack?
herdsman posted a review
I have investigated further and the parent of the window IS actually the same object as the window group (global.window_group). I have amended it to use this (it should be clearer what it's doing, I guess) and have amended the 'raise' to ensure it only happens if it is set to global.window_group and this is still working as before. From an object point of view this is doing exactly as before but at least it's picking it up from global.window_group rather than the slightly convoluted method I was using before (I am just learning though! ;-). It was me that marked revision 2 as 'Rejected' after I noticed the bug mentioned above - hence version 3 (which is now also rejected). I have submitted the latest version as version 4. Is this acceptable now?