Review of "Only Blank with Closed Lid - Switch" version 2

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Add a switch allowing you to select whether closing the laptop lid should trigger your chosen action or just blank the screen. The default Gnome Shell action is to suspend when the lid is closed. (You can use Gnome-Tweak-Tool to customise this behaviour). Useful when your PC is playing music or calculating/downloading something, but you have to (briefly) close the lid and do not want to pause the current operation. Please disable and re-enable this extension whenever you change its or Gnome-Tweak-Tool's settings. Please note: GS 3.6 no longer handles the lid switch, so this extension doesn't have the desired effect in 3.6; see ; the same holds for GS 3.8.

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All Versions

Version Status
6 Active
5 Active
4 Active
3 Active
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

gcampax active
At some point, you probably want to grab the new convenience.js, as the version you're shipping is still GPLv2 (which is incompatible with GPLv3). Other than that, it's fine.