Review of "ClipboardNotification" version 1

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Send an atk notification when clipboard content changes

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
3 Active
2 Active
1 Inactive

Previous Reviews on this Version

gcampax active
I guess this is needed by a11y users. I wonder if this should be a feature of core shell or orca.
API posted a review
This feature (notify when the clipboard content changes) is available on JAWS, one of the more populars screen readers on Windows. Some users that made the switch to Orca were asking this feature. But while talking with Joanmarie Diggs (Orca maintainer) she is of the opinion that this feature is not something that Orca should do. In the same way, I don't see this as a feature as a core shell feature. In summary, we felt that this is a really specialized enhancement, and that for the moment, it would be better to implement this as a gnome shell extension. From here: We would classify this as "Specialized UI Extension" (although it doesn't have a visual representation)
API posted a review
FWIW, some of the past mails about this feature on Orca list: Summary: Joanmarie Diggs mentioning that this kind of features can be perfectly implemented by utilities (like GPaste or this extension) and that Orca should just "read it" (after all Orca is a screen *reader*) Summary: where a user mention that this should be configurable (so implement this as a extension makes this really configurable).