Review of "Improved Onscreen Keyboard" version 3

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Makes Gnome's onscreen keyboard more useable with e.g. more keys. This extension is based on but this version will make the keyboard appear on the top layer of the gnome shell. The most of the coding was done by Since there was no way of contacting him and i also didnt find any git repo for the extension i decided to publish it here.

Extension Homepage

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
5 Rejected
4 Active
3 Rejected
2 Active
1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

andyholmes rejected
There is a reference error on line #648 of extension.js preventing your extension from being disabled. You should either ensure this value is `null` if unset, or check it with `if (_indicator instanceof OSKIndicator)` or `if (_indicator)`. Please fix this error so I can approve your extension.