Review of "Password Calculator" version 21

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This extension calculates strong passwords for each alias from your single secret. No need to remember dozens of passwords any longer. No need for a password manager any longer. Full freedom in choosing aliases and secret, e.g. alias: "", secret: "saFe⚿in漢字". Recent aliases are kept in a easily accessible drop-down. You may choose between HMAC_SHA1 and SHA1. The formula is as simple as "[secret][alias]" → SHA1 → BASE64

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Please move line 433 and 435 (extension.js) to enable(): 2. Lang is a deprecated module. Please remove it for the next version: You can use GObject instead: Learn more about removing Lang: You can always ask questions related to the extensions by joining us on GNOME Matrix channel: