Review of "Dell Command Configure menu" version 1

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Adds submenu in gnome shell to access Dell Command Configure options. Currently, only battery charge settings are implemented. The Dell Command Configure tool must be installed separately from Dell

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
8 Active
7 Active
6 Active
5 Rejected
4 Active
3 Active
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. You cannot create objects in `DellCommandControlMenuExtension.constructor()`: Move this line to enable(): this.settings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings(Me.metadata['settings-schema']); 2. Remove `stylesheet.css` since you are not using it: 3. Merge line 33 with 21 (extension.js). If you need any help with your extension you can ask us on: GNOME Matrix channel: IRC Bridge: irc://
vsimkus posted a review
Thanks for the quick response. The GJS tutorial creates the Settings object in the constructor of the extension: That's why I also included it in the constructor. But I am happy to move it to enable on resubmission.
JustPerfection posted a review
Thanks for reporting. We will fix that.