Bring back the transparent top bar when free-floating in GNOME Shell 3.32. This basically comes from the feature implementation removed in GNOME Shell 3.32, and I modified the code a bit to make it an extension. Enjoy!
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
24 | Active |
23 | Inactive |
22 | Inactive |
21 | Rejected |
20 | Active |
19 | Inactive |
18 | Inactive |
17 | Active |
16 | Active |
15 | Inactive |
14 | Inactive |
13 | Inactive |
12 | Inactive |
11 | Inactive |
10 | Inactive |
9 | Active |
8 | Inactive |
7 | Inactive |
6 | Active |
5 | Inactive |
4 | Inactive |
3 | Inactive |
2 | Inactive |
1 | Inactive |