Create and manage display profiles and access them easy in the GNOME Shell. A profile consists of one or multiple monitors with its configuration (e.g.: resolution, rotation, refresh rate...). This extension uses GNOME libraries for detecting and setting the screen configuration. Therefore GNOME will remember the last active profile also after reboot. The behaviour on monitor changes (attaching or removing) is still handled by GNOME, but the extension keeps track of it and offers only available profiles.
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
I just noticed... why the complex parser for profiles? Why not JSON? Anyway, see v1.
Thanks for the replies! In v2 the parser is pretty clean, in my opinion. Do I have to use JSON? I am doing now the signals disconnection.
Nah, it was just a suggestion :)
Fine. Just curious, you are also not disconnecting the GnomeDesktop.RRScreen in xrandr-indicator?!
And that's a bug. Thanks for noticing!
Do I also have to disconnect the buttons and so on in the prefs.js?!
If you want, it's good practice to always disconnect eveything on 'destroy', except for what is implicitly disconnected by the destroy, but it's not expected that the user will uninstall the extension with the preference dialog open, and anyway he can just close the pref app.
Ok, thanks. Probably later I will do this. Also translation is planed. But for now I will leave v3 as it is, if it get's accepted...
@gcampax: Haha, nice commit message [1]... [1]