Review of "Disper Menu" version 7

Details Page Preview

Adds disper menu to GNOME panel for easy display switching.

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
8 Active
7 Rejected
6 Inactive
5 Rejected
4 Inactive
3 Inactive
2 Inactive
1 Inactive

Previous Reviews on this Version

wieczorek1990 posted a review
Added Dutch translation.
JustPerfection rejected
Please remove those zip files.
JustPerfection rejected
Also fix these for the next version: 1. Lang is a deprecated module. Please remove it for the next version: Learn how to remove Lang from your code: 2. Use initTranslations() and getSettings() from ExtensionUtils instead of creating your own custom functions (remove convenience.js after that): 3. Multi versioning is supported here, so you can remove >3.34 versions for the next version. 4. `Tweener` is a deprecated module. Please remove it for the next version. You can use `ease()` instead. For example: ```js widget.ease({ x: newX, y: 10, opacity: 100, duration: 2000, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE, onComplete: () => { log('Animation is finished'); } }); ``` 5. You cannot create objects in init function (line 19 extension.js and line 18 prefs.js): If you need any help with your extension you can ask us on: - [GNOME Matrix Channel]( - IRC Bridge: irc://