Review of "KeyMan" version 1

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Access passwords from the gnome keyring in a convenient way: Simply search for your password and copy it to clipboad by clicking it. After a certain amount of time it will be removed automatically (default is 5 seconds). As this only works if the keyrings are unlocked, this extension also provides easy access to lock/unlock keyrings.

Extension Homepage

No comments.



Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

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21 Rejected
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3 Active
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

Meng Zhuo waiting for author
Disconnect signal bindings(i.e. "CollectionCreated") in disable/destroy function is mandatory.
dpoetzsch posted a review
Hi, thanks for the review, I forgot about those 4 DBus signals. Version 3 fixes that. Am I correct in the assumption that signal connections for widget events like "key-press-event" or similar are removed when I destroy the widget? I could not find code that disconnects these signals in any other extension.
Meng Zhuo rejected
No, the anonymous functions which are connected to events like "key-press-event" won't be GCed They just won't be triggered any more. Disconnect widget events are SUGGESTION, not mandatory, I just hope you can disconnect them in the future versions.