Review of "Activity App Launcher" version 38

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Integrates a category-based application launcher in the activities window. IMPORTANT: it needs the 'gnome-menus' and 'libgnome-menu-3-dev'; they must be installed in the system before installing this extension.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Don't use generic name for the class you are exporting (line 8 prefs.js). 2. Also do this in disable: ```js this._appSys = null; this._settings = null; this._appsInnerContainer = null; this.selected = null; this._favorites = null; ``` 3. You should make settings local (line 11 prefs.js) because that won't get garbage collected. attach it to the window after madking it local: ```js window._settings = this.getSettings(); ``` You can pass settings to the methods needed that. For example: ```js buildSwitcher(key, labeltext, settings) { // ^^^^^^^^ ``` 4. Unused method (line 54 prefs.js). 5. Also disconnect that on disable (line 74 extension.js): 6. What's the reason for `this.isEnabled` (line 189 extension.js)? As we stated in the review guidelines: > Extensions MUST NOT disable selectively.