Review of "Quick Lang Switch" version 10

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Quickly switch keyboard language layout without showing the switcher popup. The language switcher popup by default takes ~0.7sec to appear, meaning that roughly 2-4 strokes are lost till the switch completes. This affects heavily users typing languages with non-latin based alphabets (e.g. Greek, Cyrilic, Arabic, Japanese), particularly when writting technical documents. This extension reduces the switching time to 1/10th of a second (on a 2019 PC). It fixes also focus issues with the active window.

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
15 Active
14 Inactive
13 Inactive
12 Active
11 Active
10 Rejected
9 Inactive
8 Active
7 Inactive
6 Inactive
5 Inactive
4 Inactive
3 Inactive
2 Inactive
1 Inactive

Previous Reviews on this Version

ankostis posted a review
I created this release to check if metadata is needed for the switcher to also work on lock/login screen.
JustPerfection rejected
1. You are not removing the key bindings on lock screen. 2. `gdm` is not allowed on ego extensions since they are not going to be installed as system extension. 3. No reason added to disable.