Review of "docker podman kind kubernetes cluster container manager" version 0.0.1 (1)

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Gnome Extension to enable cicd/container/kubernetes and cloud resource handling. you can use docker, podman and use kubernetes clusters with kind. Added resize, delete container and filter active containers.

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All Versions

Version Status
0.0.9 (27) Active
0.0.9 (26) Active
0.0.9 (25) Rejected
0.0.9 (24) Rejected
0.0.8 (23) Active
0.0.8 (22) Rejected
0.0.8 (21) Active
0.0.8 (20) Rejected
0.0.7 (19) Rejected
0.0.7 (18) Active
0.0.6 (17) Active
0.0.5 (16) Rejected
0.0.5 (15) Active
0.0.5 (14) Rejected
0.0.4 (13) Rejected
0.0.4 (12) Active
0.0.4 (11) Rejected
0.0.3 (10) Rejected
0.0.3 (9) Active
0.0.2 (8) Active
0.0.2 (7) Rejected
0.0.2 (6) Rejected
0.0.1 (5) Rejected
0.0.1 (4) Rejected
0.0.1 (3) Active
0.0.1 (2) Rejected
0.0.1 (1) Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

amitkshirsagar13 posted a review
I am owner of both `` and `` profiles, I am trying to maintain two different set of projects with these as my old profile `` is cluttered and I want to have fresh start.
JustPerfection rejected
1. You are still calling functions in global scope (line 17-21 `extensions/base/systemInterface.js`), as mentioned in the [previous review]( 2. I know it is a reference but please move line 31 `extension.js` to enable and null that out in disable.