Review of "Gemini AI ChatBot" version 8

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This Add-on is using gemini ai 1.0 pro model for chatting. This extensions using for location detection and for gemini model also if you are planing to use Vertex api you should install `gcloud` as dependency (optional) NOTE: This extension is not affiliated, funded, or in any way associated with Google and Gemini.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

Arda F posted a review
since we use timeout_add_seconds instead of vanilla setTimeout I was expecting to work the same but in that scenario it's working like setInterval so that's causing query boombing every 5 sec for Gemini APIS, is there a way to force users to update to version 8?
Arda F posted a review
can you also reject this one? bc Free approach is not working on this version, version 9 will be a stable one, I promise :) I run al tests on it xd
Arda F auto- rejected
Auto-rejected because of new version 9 was uploaded