Review of "WinTile-Beyond" version 1

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This is a continuation of Wintile by @FmStrat. The original version was abandoned after Gnome 44. This version works on Gnome 45 and 46. WinTile-Beyond is a hotkey driven window tiling system for GNOME that imitates the standard Win-Arrow keys of Windows 10, allowing you to maximize, maximize to sides, or 1/4 sized to corner across a single or multiple monitors using just Super+Arrow. WinTile-Beyond also supports: - 1-5 columns and 1-5 rows for standard or ultrawide monitors - Top/bottom half support - Mouse preview and snapping for placing windows - 'Maximize' mode, which adds/removes GNOME animations - 'Ultrawide-only' mode, to allow standard screens to have different cols/row than ultrawides - Portrait screens will automatically swap columns and rows - Add gaps around tiles to avoid the 'crowded elevator' feeling' - Ctrl+Super+Arrow to grow a tile in that direction if space is available - Ctrl+drag to drop a tile in a specific spot - Ctrl+Super+drag to draw a grid for the new tile

Extension Homepage

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

GrylledCheez posted a review
I was the main developer of Wintile, but FmStrat stopped responding to any workflow requests and effectively abandoned it before the shift to Gnome 45. This not only includes Gnome-45, but also works with 46.
JustPerfection waiting for author
1. Use `console.*` instead of `log()`: [Port Guide 45: Logging]( 2. Please use a different name for the default class you are exporting (both `extension.js` and `prefs.js`). 3. No need to version check since this 45 and 46 package (1106, 1112 `extension.js`). Wanna fix and send it again?
GrylledCheez posted a review
1. I'm not using "log". It's a call to "_log", which uses console.log with a specific prefix. 2. can I get a suggestion for default classes? 3. I can remove the check for >40 on line 1106, but 46 and 45 have add_actor vs add_child around line 1123
JustPerfection posted a review
1. Line 31 `extension.js` is using `log()`. 2. Maybe add `Beyond` to the class name (for example `WintileBeyondExtension` and `WinTileBeyondExtensionPreferences`). 3. That's why I didn't mention the line 1123. but lines 1106, 1112 can be removed.
GrylledCheez posted a review
Thanks JP . I understand all if your suggestions now. I'll get the 2nd pass to you within a day.
GrylledCheez auto- rejected
Auto-rejected because of new version 2 was uploaded