Review of "Sticky Notes Integration" version 0.1 (1)

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Gnome Shell extension providing integration for Sticky Notes

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No comments.



Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
0.1.3 (4) Active
0.1.2 (3) Active
0.1 (2) Active
0.1 (1) Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Please remove `stylesheet.css` since you are not using it: [EGO Review Guidelines: unnecessary files]( 2. Also null out in disable: ```js this._settings = null; ``` [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy]( 3. Please remove the try and catch in `enable()`. That's not needed. 4. Please don't store any instance of objects in a property in the default class you are exporting (line 139, 144, 147, 152, 155, 160 `prefs.js`) that won't allow the garbage collector to do its job after window close: [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy]( If you don't want to make them local to `fillPreferencesWindow()` function, you can clean up on: ```js window.connect('close-request', () => { // clean up here }); ``` If you need any help with your extension you can ask us on: - [GNOME Extensions Matrix Channel]( - IRC Bridge: irc://