Review of "Network Stats" version 22

Details Page Preview

Displays internet upload speed, download speed, bandwidth, data usage. visit github page for instructions, suggestions and feature requests. ERROR while updating extension ? restart your system or reload gnome shell.

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
26 Active
25 Rejected
24 Active
23 Rejected
22 Rejected
21 Rejected
20 Active
19 Active
18 Active
17 Active
16 Rejected
15 Active
14 Active
13 Active
12 Active
11 Rejected
10 Active
9 Active
8 Active
7 Active
6 Active
5 Active
4 Inactive
3 Inactive
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

noroadsleft posted a review
Review please.
JustPerfection rejected
1. Please don't use deprecated modules - line 1 `AppController.js` - line 4-5 `net/DeviceMonitor.js` - line 3 `net/NetworkMonitor.js` - line 11 `prefs.js` - line 1 `utils/DateTimeUtils.js` [EGO Review Guidelines: deprecated modules]( 2. No need to use `this.initTranslation()`: - line 17 `extension.js` > Consider this method deprecated. > Only specify gettext-domain in metadata.json. > GNOME Shell can automatically initiate the translation for you > when it sees the gettext-domain key in metadata.json. [Port Guide 45: Extension Utils]( 3. Also null out `GnsExtension.instance` in disable. 4. Please don't store any instance of objects in a property in the default class you are exporting (You are doing that in `prefs.js`) that won't allow the garbage collector to do its job after window close: [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy]( If you don't want to move them to another class or make it local to `fillPreferencesWindow()` function, you can clean up on: ```js window.connect('close-request', () => { // clean up here }); ``` 5. Gjs already has these functions (line 12 and 23 `utils/DateTimeUtils.js`). No need to implement it again. 6. Please remove `utils/GtkUtils.js`. This package is gtk4 only. 7. Please null out the instance in disable (line 10 `utils/Logger.js`).