Search google directly from GNOME. To open click on the search icon on the menu bar or enter <Super>+q. When you press enter a new tab will open in your default browser.
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Version | Status |
2 | Active |
1 |
I don't think use xopen is a good idea for Google search instead you can check this out. I would accept this if you insisted
Hi mengzhuo, thanks for your quick response. I will continue working on it as soon as im done with my exams. Then i will resubmit.
i reviewed the code and don't think xdg-open would be a problem because the prefix for the google query is hardcoded and with the space replacement (str = str.split(' ').join('+');) i don't see the possibility of malicious input. Later i will add custom search engine functionality but for now i think its alright. Can you accept the current state?
sorry for this stupid question, i just finished a new version how can i submit? I Can't find any upload button.