Review of "Brightness Manager" version 1

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This extension make you be able to change the brightness of external displays like LCDs. To ensure that this extension works properly, you needed to do the next: 1. install ddccontrol by running sudo apt-get install ddccontrol 2. Allow ddccontrol to run as sudo. You can do this by editing your sudoer file as follows: Open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and enter the following command: sudo visudo Once the file opens paste (ctrl+shift+v) the following command replacing username with the your own username: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ddccontrol Make sure that /usr/bin/ddccontrol is the right ddccontrol path by running: which ddccontrol This extension is based on Text Scaler Extension:

Extension Homepage

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
1 Waiting for author

Previous Reviews on this Version

Meng Zhuo waiting for author
I don't think hard code "sudo ddccontrol -p" is good idea for normal user. You should try to find DBus API for screen or power control instead.
vrodmz posted a review
Could you please tell me where find information. It's so hard find Gnome Extentions information
Meng Zhuo waiting for author
You can try "lg" after ALT+F2 to browse whole API sets.