Review of "Ubuntu Dock Settings" version 1

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The purpose of this extension is simply to customize the Ubuntu Dock. It does not provide any extra functionality; when opening the settings, it will simply show the settings offered by Ubuntu Dock itself. If Ubuntu Dock is not installed, no settings dialog will be available. Please note that Ubuntu Dock is not available on as an extension. I will do my best to try and keep this up to date with new versions of Ubuntu Dock as they become available.

Extension Homepage

No comments.



Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

higgslagrangian posted a review
This is essentially an empty extension that simply connects to the Ubuntu Dock extension to modify its settings (since prefs.js is not provided...). The prefs.js file is taken from upstream dash-to-dock, with a slight fallback mode in case Ubuntu Dock is not installed.
Meng Zhuo waiting for author
why not contact Ubuntu team about this?
higgslagrangian posted a review
well, I'm not sure how to proceed here. The Ubuntu team is explicitly against exposing the settings, so I was trying to submit an independent extension. Here is more information on the matter: This commit specifically and purposefully removes the settings: From the blog about Ubuntu 17.10: "We disabled the settings panel and expose some of those settings in GNOME Control Center." Source: The settings exposed in the Control Center are absolutely minimal.
maweki waiting for author
I am not comfortable with this. Is installing the upstream dock instead of using the ubuntu fork a possibility?
higgslagrangian posted a review
installing dash-to-dock directly is a possibility...... however in that case the user is no longer using "Ubuntu Dock" but something else. new versions of dash to dock t might come with new features, but also new regressions and so on I understand if you are not comfortable with this, I am simply trying to make configuration for Ubuntu Dock easier to find
maweki waiting for author
I think maybe if we add the Ubuntu name to the name of the extension shown here and if you elaborate a bit on the description (describing exactly what it does for which use case), I'd be ok with approving it.
higgslagrangian posted a review
I just updated the name + description. what do you think ?
maweki posted a review
I'd say that this is okay now. In general this is not different than overwriting any design decision the design team makes for the shell. The only difference is, that it depends on a design decision by Canonical's team and them distributing stuff. But we also have other extensions that depend on installed software. I'm fine with it with the extended desciption but I'd like for mengzhuo to give a second opinion.
Meng Zhuo waiting for author
@maweki looks good to me.
higgslagrangian posted a review
Thanks @maweki and @mengzhuo for your time. the last message was marked as "waiting for author", but I don't think I need to change anything else, right?
maweki active