Review of "Show Desktop from Overview (tested for Shell version up to 3.36.2)" version 1

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This is a modified version of the original extension, ( created to support the Shell version 3.30. All the credits to the original author A Click on an empty space in the window overview shows the desktop. That means: It minimizes all windows on the current workspace.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

Meng Zhuo waiting for author
You can ask the original author to transfer his/her extension to you by leave a review comment here or sending email to me(mengzhuo1203 at gmail)
hambs posted a review
I don't know if the original author is still "active", he/she dropped also the git repo. I would like to keep alive this fantastic extension.
Meng Zhuo active
We don't accept duplicate extenstion except the origin author is inactive or extension is very different forked. Since the original only support 3.12 I think it's ok for this forked.