Review of "Steal My Focus" version 1

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It removes the 'Window is ready' notification and puts the window immediately into focus instead.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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4 Active
3 Active
2 Active
1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

gcampax posted a review
If this is the behaviour you want, that's cool!
kagesenshi posted a review
yeah because firefox's jump to existing window using addressbar, pidgin's present conversation when clicking notification, and deluge's focus deluge window when clicking tray icon are quite broken without it >.<
gcampax posted a review
That's a matter of passing timestamps around, instead of using CurrentTime. Both firefox and deluge, as you describe them, have relevant timestamps from X events. pidgin doesn't, because org.fd.Notifications doesn't support them, but that's definitely a bug in the specification. It would be helpful if you could report it, either at gnome-shell, libnotify or directly at xdg-list.