Always Show Titles In Overview

by 5q0Fw | 14092 downloads

Customize Gnome 3 overview. - Always show titles of all window thumbnails - Always show close buttons of all window thumbnails - Window titles position (Bottom, Center) - Move window titles to the bottom when fullscreen - Move window titles to the bottom for video/TV players, like SMPlayer - Show/hide app icons - App icon position: Bottom, Center - Show/hide the app icon when a window is in fullscreen mode - Show/hide the background - Hide/show icons for Video/TV players, like SMPlayer - Tweak the window thumbnail active size increment (from 5 to 60, the default is 15) - Hide the background

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Version Status Shell Versions
26 Active 45 46
25 Active 45
24 Rejected 45
23 Active 40 41 42 43 44
22 Active 40 41 42 43
21 Active 40 41 42 43
20 Active 40 41 42
19 Active 40 41
18 Active 40 41
17 Active 40 41
16 Active 40 41
15 Active 40 41
14 Rejected 40 41
13 Rejected 40 41
12 Active 40 41
11 Inactive 3.34 3.32 3.30.2 3.36 3.38
10 Active 3.38
9 Active 40
8 Inactive 3.34 3.32 3.30.2 3.36 3.38
7 Rejected 3.34 3.32 3.30.2 3.36
6 Rejected 3.34 3.32 3.30.2 3.36
5 Active 3.34 3.32 3.30.2 3.36
4 Active 3.32 3.30.2
3 Active 3.30.2
2 Active 3.30.2
1 Active 3.30.2