Battery remaining time and percentage

by Schubi | 107392 downloads

Extension to show remaining time and percentage for battery near the icon on the top panel. If the AC is plugged it shows the time remaining to full charge. There are some options: disable the icon, disable percentage, disable the time, disable the arrow up when charging, disable at all when charging, disable at all when full. Have a look at README for instructions.

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Version Status Shell Versions
21 Active 3.6
20 Active 3.6
19 Inactive 3.6
18 Active 3.6
17 Inactive 3.6
16 Rejected 3.6
15 Inactive 3.6
14 Active 3.4
13 Inactive 3.4
12 Rejected 3.4
11 Active 3.4 3.3.92
10 Active 3.2
9 Rejected 3.2
8 Inactive 3.2
7 Inactive 3.2
6 Rejected 3.2
5 Inactive 3.2
4 Rejected 3.2
3 Rejected 3.2
2 Inactive 3.2
1 Rejected