Improved OSK

by NickShmyrev | 52407 downloads

Makes Gnome's OnScreen Keyboard more usable. Features: * Includes additional buttons: Arrow keys, Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, Super, F1-12 * Supports key combinations like `Ctrl + C`, `Alt + Tab`, `Ctrl + Shift + C`, `Super + A` etc. * Configurable keyboard size (landscape/portrait) * Statusbar indicator to toggle keyboard * Works in Gnome password modals * Works on Lock screen (see README for instructions) * Works on Login screen (see README for instructions) This extension is a fork of by SebastianLuebke.

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Version Status Shell Versions
18 Active 43 44
17 Active 43 44
16 Rejected 43 44
15 Active 43
14 Rejected 43
13 Rejected 43
12 Active 43
11 Inactive 3.38 40 41 42 43
10 Rejected 3.38 40 41 42 43
9 Active 3.38 40 41 42
8 Active 3.38 40 41 42
7 Active 3.38 40 41
6 Active 3.38 40 41
5 Active 3.38 40 41
4 Active 3.38 40 41
3 Rejected 3.38 40 41
2 Rejected 3.38 40 41
1 Active 3.38 40