
by eexpss | 2776 downloads

Add selected text to Note. - Notes automatic recognition and sort as 'Directory' 'Command' 'Clipboard'. - 'Directory': Mouse 1/2/3 act as 'Open in Files/Open in termianl/Paste dir'. It can be used as a temporary bookmark. And any click will change the working diretory in real time. - 'Command': Mouse 1/3 as 'Excute command in Terminal/Paste cmd'. - 'Clipboard': Mouse act as 'Paste to Clipboard(PRIMARY)'. - Terminal support kgx(new gnome-console) and gnome-terminal.

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7 Active 42
6 Active 42
5 Inactive 42
4 Inactive 42
3 Inactive 42
2 Inactive 42
1 Inactive 42