Glass Grid Extension Manager

by x10shun | 6592 downloads

Extensions Manager : A quick overlay glass panel showing a grid to view / manage installed extensions. Updates: New theming options including 'background blur' and 'dynamic blur'. Also, navigation with mouse, touchpad, touchscreen and keyboard all are enabled. (update v3). Font size -+ option (update v6). Gnome 45 ported (v8). Improved performance (after v9). Compatibility with Blur My Shell and Desktop Cube. Suggestions are welcome. - The overlay can be quickly launched / dismissed using indicator toggle button in Panel or using a hotkey (default: Super + E). Both can be set from the Settings menu in the overlay itself. - The overlay will dismiss on Esc or automatically when it looses key focus. That is when you trigger open something e.g. extension preferences or when you click on some other app. Header / Top layout: - Info button: It will open an about dialog also showing brief tool guide. - Settings button: Opens a menu with options for theme, Indicator button Add/Remove, launch Hotkey and font size. - Theme Mode: Toggle between Dark, Neutral and Light modes. - ego button: Opens - Extension app button: Launches the Extensions app. - Switch: Enable / Disable all the extensions. It does not disable itself here for obvious reasons. Specifically disabling Glass Grid from its own entry in the grid will disable itself. Enabling all will enable the extensions that were enabled before you pressed Disable All. Grid Layout: - Extension Name button: By default, it will open the extension preferences. If the extension has an update, it will show update-message. If the extension has an error, it will show error-message. - Settings button: It will open the extension preferences. Gray button means the extension does not have preferences (so disabled). - Reload button: It will reload the extension stylesheet css file(s). This is useful when you are trying to customize an extension's style. - The grid layout scrolls horizontally when number of extensions are more than the page capacity. (Page Switcher popup animation included). - You can use keyboard arrow keys to navigate (supports automatic pagination when key-focus moves to another page). When launched, key focus would be on the title. Other extensions:

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