YAWL (v17)

by Vadim@dbFin | 17103 downloads

Yet Another Window List *** taskbar (current/all workspaces, favorite apps, icons reordering saved across reboots, advanced app-specific menus, Quicklists, blinking attention, changing workspace by scrolling over task bar etc.) *** window indicators and thumbnails + "window peeking" (preview window by scrolling over its thumbnail) *** lots of settings + much more. --- What's new (UR = under review, use link above to install manually) --- v17: GNOME Shell 3.10.3 compatibility. Additional option to show "skip-taskbar" windows. Visual icons alignment on the panel. v14-v16: Focus on user experience. GNOME Shell 3.10 compatibility. Updated German, Russian and Ukrainian translations. v9-v13: Favorite apps (optionally smaller icons when not running). Show (optionally) icons from all workspaces. Reorder icons using mouse (the order is automatically saved). Windows demanding attention. Window indicators. Scrolling over panel to change workspace. Search app's windows on other workspaces: scroll over app's icon while its thumbnails are shown. Advanced right-click menus. Turn (optionally) thumbnails off. Additional click options: quit, show next and minimize if single window. Advanced/basic settings. Reset all settings. Improved animation, responsiveness and performance, including support for smooth scroll and preventing multiple scroll events. If you keep up with the latest GitHub version, just run "install-extension yawl" to update after pull. You need some dev-libraries installed. Please consult README.md for further details. The extension works out-of-the-box but provides many settings to adjust its look/behavior: rearrange task bar to give icons more space, change sizes, colors, animation, customize mouse actions etc. No settings require GNOME Shell restart: adjust it all in real time. You can also export/import settings to back up, sync or share. Default mouse actions include (see/adjust all mouse actions in preferences): 1) Window Thumbnails: - Scroll up/down: Window Peeking ON/OFF + change thumbnails opacity - Left click: focus window - Middle click: maximize/restore window - Right click (or Shift+left click): minimize window 2) App Icons: - Scroll: change workspace (if thumbnails are shown: stick to app) - Left click: show app's top / next window - Shift+left click (double click): minimize top (all) app window(s) - Right click: show app menu The first time you install the extension it welcomes you with preference dialog. Extension is translation-ready (please consult YAWL GitHub's wiki for further details). Please report problems and suggestions here or on GitHub.

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Version Status Shell Versions
17 Active 3.6 3.8 3.10
16 Active 3.6 3.8 3.10
15 Rejected 3.6 3.8 3.10
14 Rejected 3.6 3.8 3.10
13 Rejected 3.6 3.8
12 Rejected 3.6 3.8
11 Active 3.6 3.8
10 Active 3.6 3.8
9 Active 3.6 3.8
8 Rejected 3.6 3.8
7 Rejected 3.6 3.8
6 Active 3.6 3.8
5 Rejected 3.6 3.8
4 Rejected 3.6
3 Rejected 3.6
2 Active 3.6
1 Rejected 3.6