Display Adjustment

by w8jcik | 5646 downloads

Offers sliders to control external displays' brightness and contrast through DDC. Extension requires ddcutil-service to be installed. Installation process of ddcutil-service is quick and non-intrusive. The details can be found at https://gitlab.com/w8jcik/display-adjustment#installation-of-ddcutil-service. ddcutil-service allows more responsive communication with the displays than ddcutil.

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Version Status Shell Versions
0.0.5 Active 46 47
0.0.4 Active 46 47
0.0.3 Active 46 47
0.0.2 Active 46 47
0.0.2 Active 46
0.0.1 Active 46
0.0.1 Rejected 46
0.0.1 Rejected 46